We offer a refund or exchange on first-time purchases! If you aren't loving our product, you can return in accordance with our Returns Policy and within 30 days of the original ship date for a full refund of the purchase price, minus the shipping and handling charges. Also, if you simply don't enjoy the flavors from your most recent order, we're happy to replace them with a flavor you love.
• Item(s) must be unopened and in its original condition (e.g., the item must be sealed and unopened and unused).
• Item(s) must be returned using an insured and traceable shipping method. We will not be responsible for any packages we do not ship. Please keep the tracking details for your records.
• The product(s) must have been purchased directly from: drinkmiils.com.
• Returns must be postmarked on or before the 30th day following the original date of shipment.
• Shipping and handling costs are not eligible for refunds. Shipping charges are the customer's responsibility for any returns of unwanted items.
• Packages that arrive Cash on Delivery will not be accepted and will be denied.
• Refunds will be issued back to the form of payment used.
If your return does not meet all of our requirements, a refund will not be issued and you will be notified via email with any and all options available to you on how to proceed.
We DO NOT offer refunds or exchanges on any products purchased during a sale or special promotion.
Sorry this happened! We will try to make it right for you, don't worry. If you receive an incorrect or damaged order, please send an email at hello@drinkmiils.com within 2 days of receiving your order. Once we receive your email, we will get everything sorted.